Auto tuner for '08 Rocket?

Yours is the single O2 sensor for the R3
I think if you read the description the 2xO2 sensors are for twins Hardley Goinsons etc.

My Part No's are PCv 21-003......... AT200

Just wanted to let everyone know that I did get the PCV and AutoTune. Its installed and running. Waiting for my TuneECU cable to come in the mail so I can load up one of Hans' Tunes. (Thanks SOOOOOO much Dude). Coming in the mail tomorrow is a 16 piece LED kit that i ordered from LED Glow. I'll post pics when I get it installed.

How does it run

Okay..... so how does it run with the PCV and the A/T? And why are you installing a TUNE ECU MAP when you have the PCV and the A/T????
The bike runs much smoother with the PCV and AT. No more popping on decel and it seems to be getting more fuel, so the heat coming off the engine is way less. I've ordered the cable to be able to flash the factory ECM with a different map which will undo the factory restrictions as far as power and I think it may advance the timing for a little more low end power. I may be off since I'm new at this myself. I'm sure someone else can explain it better.