Auto Tune Issue


.040 Over
Feb 23, 2012
Bakersfield, California
Over the past few weeks in my meager spare time I've added Jardines and Auto Tune. That's when I found out my PCV (professionally installed last year) is some outdated version that won't accept present day maps. In the meantime I've redone the Jardines due to an exhaust leak, now fixed, and purchased a new battery (Scorpion) as the old one seemed to no longer hold a charge. Now the new one also went dead.

I think it is a problem with the Auto Tune. The red light stays on with the ignition off and the unit is warm to the touch. Everything has been installed exactly as instructed. I still have the old f***ed up Power Commander V in the bike because the Dynojet tech told me I could use it, as is, with the Auto Tune, though he did give me a return authorization good for 90 days. I figured I would try it out, trim the map with the Auto Tune, and see how it goes since I didn't install the PCV and don't know what I would be getting into changing it out. I haven't ridden my bike in quite some time now and wanted to take it out today; that's when I found out the new battery is dead.

Is the red light on the Auto Tune supposed to be on all the time? Is the unit suppoised to be warm to the touch even when off? Or is this a short circuit or just another effect of an incompatible PCV unit? Is the Auto Tune itself defective?

This whole thing has been a pain in the *ss to say the least. I'm about ready to sh*tcan the whole PCV / Auto Tune misadventure and just go with TuneECU alone. But I would prefer the Auto Tune if the products will work correctly.

I would consider paying someone else to go through all this bullsh*t but I've spent enough on overpriced shoddy work already.
Don't know anything about Autotune, but I'm curious about the Jardine exhaust leak and the resolution of it. I had one too, and after changing gaskets and then doubling gaskets, I realized that it was a bad weld or something between the header pipe and the flange attached to it. ( not the bolt on flange that holds it , but the flange the bolt on one presses against the gasket.) I'm thinking it may be easier to have someone MIG it, rather than sending it back and having the bike out of commission til I get it back. PITA, right out of the box it was defective.
Hey post the f##kin thing back get the right one
As for the flat battery,red light and warm to touch issue .... Your so call pro installer probally hooked it up To the battery instead of the tailight wire as the instructions tell you to.

The first thing I suggest you do is go out and check the red wire coming out of the Auto Tune because if wired up correctly the red light should only be on when ignition is on, if it is connected to the battery directly, go rip your installer a new a##e hole and get him to correct his mistake so that it is connected to the taillight positive wire under the right side over just above the ECU and while he is at it ( if you are not confident to do it your self) get him to remove the bad PCV unit so you can send it back, make sure you are watching him all the time and you will see how easy it is to install the the replacement when it comes
+ eleventy on what hanso said. it must be a switched live like the lights.
the red light does stay on for several seconds after the power source is turned off, but it will turn off. if its wired properly
OK, I screwed up and connected the Auto Tune to the battery. I got distracted from connecting it to the tail light when all the other stuff happened, and when I repaired them and let the exhaust dry a few days I just forgot and hooked it to the battery. My bad! Sorry to the forum for being so obnoxious about it. The old battery was already going bad already and I am glad to have the scorpion - it cranks pretty good. The rocket really spins the rear tire now after one Auto Tune trim. Hopefully I'll have the old PCV out in the next few days so I can replace it with a new one that will take a tune. As for the exhaust, I used the Permatex Copper infused silicon recommended and got it right on the second go around; the problem was the header/muffler junction. BTW, at the head the factory had placed some sealant around the copper gaskets, so after cleaning everything very well I used a little bit as well and installed the copper gaskets turned around so they would re-crush and seal, torquing to 14 ft/lbs and going through two warm up and cool down cycles. Anyway, stupid here, my bad for ranting about my own cock up! I'm gonna shut up and sit down now.
All Good, glad that is All it was