Aussie Rocket Ride

Interested in a Australian Rocket Ride?

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My wife is coming as her parents live in HB although given we have a 7 month old baby girl she'll be flying up and meeting me up their. maybe you Should Ask Amanda to fly up meet you there and ride home with you. Just a thought.

Rachelle was a little worried she'd be the only lady attending some of the events so will be great to bring the more partners the better.

Well maybe the more people that bring partners the better not bring more partners or the wife might just be a little annoyed about that one. LOL.
My Ann Will be there and as per normal coming on the bike, Last time we were up that way we went to Rockhampton via Goondawindi out the back way then down to Coffs for the 2007 Ulysses AGM which is where I first rode a Rocket