Aussie Rocket Ride

Interested in a Australian Rocket Ride?

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I seen the word "shine" in that Hanso,
ya'll got shine over there?
dang, I thought ya'll only drank weak warm beer.

I don't think he's talking about the catering Skip. He's using the word to refer to something you may not be familiar with; aplying water to the bike to clean it - intentionally!
I seen the word "shine" in that Hanso,
ya'll got shine over there?
dang, I thought ya'll only drank weak warm beer.
Whoa there Skip you confusing us with the Pommies we like our beer with a head and Ice Cold geeez ya nearly made me want to puke
its the poms that drink their beer warm mate ours is cold and ill think u will find it also has a higher alcohole content than those lollywater suds u Americans call beer
Sorry Mitch I didnt see you had already answered that but something you missed and that is all you guys with blacked out bikes have no shine you need some CHROME

Got the same text he must have sent it to everyone in his phone
G'Day blokes, I have missed all to tooing and throwing in this thread could some one give me a breif summary, I have booked accomidation and have allowed 4 day to get there... just need a firm date / time and any other info?
G'Day blokes, I have missed all to tooing and throwing in this thread could some one give me a breif summary, I have booked accomidation and have allowed 4 day to get there... just need a firm date / time and any other info?

Am wondering the same - is there accomodation available if you just rock up, whats the date, and which way are most going up from Sydney?

Frocket and gra, nothing has really been decided yet but as you can see above we were considering going inland. If we go this route could join up with you in Campbeltown or Penrith or further north if that suited. Unfortunately Cobba (RIP) won't be joining us.
G'day All

Firstly I would like to apologise for not being around on the forum, have had some medical and personal issues to deal with, I'll hope you understand I don't wish to go in to details.

I sent a text the other day to about 6 captains I have in my phone as Between them and the others they know I knew the message would be spread far and wide, thanks for passing the message on.

Finally got computer back, who would have thought a software update could cause so much drama, just goes to show even from your genuine software supplier can cause a mental breakdown to software and hard ware.

Please see the new feed for Make A Wish Foundation, so all monies collected have to be recorded, including the request for tax receipts. After the event all monies are paid in one amount.

Today Cathy is going to Westpac bank to see what we have to do to set up an account that any monies received for patches and or promotional goods can be directly paid to that account.

Saturday 15th September 2012 the Hervey Bay High School has given us the use of their grounds and toilet facilities to run a bike show and fund raising activities for the Make A Wish foundation at no cost to us, many thanks to them.

What we need to do now is get a poster designed to be emailed to prospective supporters and sponsors any idea greatly appreciated. Two months display time is the plan so it doesn't get tired and posted over by other events.

Looking forward to hearing from you all with your input and participation thanks Marty.