At the dealership - 2018 Rocket to get 2500 ccs

No sh!t??
Find myself agreeing with Clavaiger the R3 was never a huge sales success really
Are they even going to replace it ?
If they do it would seem unlikely they would build a bigger motor as it needs to puff fresh air out the pipes to meet emission regulations the world over
Give it another 200cc and it would end up with about another 10 or 15 horse power maybe .Would be like a late 70's early 80's "Muscle car" huge motor but no more power ...what's the point
If I was to guess it will be another decade or more until they use the Rocket name again
Triumph are doing well with there gap market stuff they have found building stuff the Japanese guys don't with 3 or four models based around one motor
Also factor in the Moto 2 engine program it must be costing Triumph $$$$ the power cruiser market isn't target there is it
What do I know but the return does not meet the investment if you ask me
Have to agree. The next generation really enjoys the image but has no balls. All the major bike manufacturers are going after the under thirty crowd. So be it. Just if you happen to be in leaky Texas and think that your going to out run a Old fart on a ROCKET think again.
MOST of the cruiser guys I talk to are intimidated by the Rocket and a lot of them are not really mechanical and have the HD dealer do everything for them they are now upset because some of the HDs are watercooled thats a no no in the HD world of cavemen I have a friend that just bought a $30000 road glide and hes always working on the thing hes spent another $10 000 on this thing and its in the shop half the time he very up set with the lack of power compared to my stock classic the Harley shop has assured him they can get his bike to out perform the Rocket so hes going to spend about $15000 more on the thing I told him to just buy a Rocket for his second bike and have 2 bikes hes thinking about it he asked me to look for a nice used Rocket for him but he only wants to spend $3000 wow what a fruit cake anyway he has all the HD clothing the complete holloween outfit just bought a jacket for $700 today BUT the Harleys are not selling well at all sales are way off in this area
The Rockets already the baddest cruiser out there so they seem to know more than the rest of the DONKEY MAKERS
I've been wondering how the Moto2 thing has been going. I'm subscribed to MotoGP, and nobody has mentioned a word about Triumph in 2019. I was thinking maybe there was a problem.
I've been wondering how the Moto2 thing has been going. I'm subscribed to MotoGP, and nobody has mentioned a word about Triumph in 2019. I was thinking maybe there was a problem.
Don't know myself but I love the sound of that engine.