Oh, they usually see you (lane changes, obstructed view, and sun-low-and-to-your-back situations exempted). Hell, cagers pull out in front of big rigs. They just don't care or overestimate their skills or take an unnecessary gamble. But they aren't typically going to tell the police "I saw him and purposely cut him off" or "I saw him and made it his problem" or "my view was blocked so I decided to just shoot out across the lane" or "I didn't look". That would be admitting culpability, so instead they usually say they looked but didn't see you. Statistics that say you weren't visible and seen when they looked at you are predicated for the most part on the idea that at-fault parties don't lie. From my experience with multiple crashes in a variety of vehicles, they always lie. You should still ride as if you're invisible, nonetheless. It's also why I run a cam on all vehicles.
I was left-turned on a Tiger 1200, which had four lights burning (including fogs). Visibility was 100% (clear day, zero obstructions, etc.) The guy made up all kinds of stories. In one story he said he saw that I was stopped at my (green) light when he turned. In another story a kid ran out in front of him, so he had to stop. In another I was speeding. And, yes, his original story was he didn't see me. My footage proved each claim was a lie.