ANZAC DAY - Lest We Forget

Total respect to Anzacs past, present and future on your special day today. There was a ceremony at the Cenotaph today.
My father spoke very fondly of the Australians, and New Zealanders I am sure, that served along side the Americans in Southeast Asia when he was there. Freedom is a universal pursuit. We thank your countrymen and their sacrifices.
when i was in the army, i spent aslot of time talking to vietnam vets and when i asked them what was it like they said it was bad but they felt sorry for alot of American soldiers as they watched them go into real heavy battle and many not returning.
Glad to see you fellows supporting your armed forces, remembering the sacrifices they/you made for us all. Many made the supreme sacrifice of giving their lives for our freedom.

"Lest We Forget" is a motto many in the civilized world are forgetting! Sadly today society in many areas sees our militia as a cost and a drain on our resources, instead of a source of inspiration and security. I'd like to think of our armed forces as a down payment for our freedom. That's right, a down payment. I don't know if our freedom can ever be fully "paid for" or "free to us".

And so my hat goes off to you Aussies and New Zealanders for ANZAC day. "LEST WE FORGET"
I bought the last two of these ANZAC tribute boxes several years ago. I tossed the cookies in the rubbish but keep one of the boxes on my workbench. I don't forget.

The best to you gents on your day of tribute to your fallen.
ANZAC Day just keeps getting bigger and bigger here in Australia. Record crowds this year at every service that was held. They had 120,000 people at the dawn service at the War Memorial in Canberra this year. The year I was in Canberra they had 10,000 turn up and that was a record.
Rather than being forgotten the history and real facts about what those young soldiers at Gallipoli went through is better known now by the whole population than ever before.
There has been some wonderful shows on TV showing the tragic carnage , mateship and the character of those who left our shore.
I've been attending dawn services for 25 odd years .. when only the diggers and family were present. Never imagined it would become what it has .. makes me proud that Australians remember and are grateful.
We must always remember them for the sacrifices they made and by remembering them they will always live on.

As an expat Aussie living in the Uk I’ve done the Anzac dawn ceremony at Villers Bretonneaux in France a couple of times. I’m going to go again next year (2020) so if there are any Aussies, kiwis or Brits (or anyone actually!) who are interested in riding with us over there let me know and we can see what we can line up. The Australian vet affairs organise shuttle buses to the memorial from a couple of towns around the area. They haven’t put details online yet but probably will be there by end of the year. My Missus who is French was amazed at the turn out and how the Anzac spirit lives on. Plus the people of Villers Bretonneaux keep the Anzac spirit alive even today by teaching their children to never forget the Australians. Let me know if there’s any interest out there.