Anyone using an OBDII reader/Torque Pro on their R3???


.040 Over
Sep 10, 2015
Yalaha, Florida
2015 Rocket III Tour
Hello everyone! I use one of those 25 dollar OBDII Bluetooth readers on Amazon on both of my cars. In conjunction with the Torque Pro app (HIGHLY recommend), I can monitor any information the ECU/sensors are sending. Well I figured I'd hook it up to the Rocket and low and behold, I was receiving some info. Limited info, but some. The most important to me is the coolant temp and rpms. Anyways, my question is anyone else using this and what information have you extracted? I know on my 2014 4Runner, the ECU doesn't send a specific signal for transmission temp, but a custom formula I found that I inputed into the Torque Pro app let me see the transmission temp. Just looking to find out what other have done with this app and reader. Thanks gents.
i was thinking about that torque pro but most of the guys are useing the tunecu gives info for about all the sensors and lets u interact with the ecu. u can change rev limit,temp fan comes on,it helps u set tps and idle stepper motor ect. also u get help from this site. so if u have trouble we will advise u to get the cable ($20) and download the free program.
You can use the Bluetooth adapter with TuneECU - however the App is only available on Android and you're out of luck if you have iphone
There is a fee for the Android program, ($12.94) download from the PlayStore. (while of course the Windows version of TuneECU is free)
Note that you can use the Android version with EITHER Bluetooth or Cable.
With Bluetooth, you are limited to Diagnostics, Mapping functions require the cable.
You can use the same cable for Android as you would with the Windows USB cable, but you also need the little USB adapter for the Android phone - if you buy cable from Lonelec, it comes with the adapter included.
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I've been using it on both of my vehicles, but what I it for is that my cellphone is now my coolant/tach gauge. Torque Pro allows you to set up the readouts in many types of "gauges". You can get the Torque App for free. Pro is like 5 bucks.
I'm also using Torque Pro with my cages, and would highly recommend it for reading fault codes, monitoring sensor data for troubleshooting, or just for having a configurable extra gauge cluster on any OBD-II compliant vehicle. Now while Torque Pro works with the Rocket, it only allows you to access the standard OBD-II diagnostics data set. TuneECU has much deeper integration with the Keihin ECU, and in addition to accessing all sensor data, it allows you to alter the fuel and ignition maps and perform various calibration procedures specific to our bikes.

If you just want to add a configurable extra gauge cluster to your Rocket, Torque Pro is probably the way to go. For servicing and diagnosing the bike, Triumph owners are lucky to have a superior tool in TuneECU.
I have been using a Garmin GPS with a Garmin Mechanic, which is an antenna that plugs into the OBD11 port and tranmits data to the GPS. Up to 5 gauges can show on the screen at one time
I have been using a Garmin GPS with a Garmin Mechanic, which is an antenna that plugs into the OBD11 port and tranmits data to the GPS. Up to 5 gauges can show on the screen at one time

Great product - BUT . . .
Does not work with the Garmin Zumos.
My unused Garmin Mechanic sits on a bench collecting dust.
... My unused Garmin Mechanic sits on a bench collecting dust.

But before that we noted that it is a battery hog that drained your battery if left connected to the Diag Connector without engine running!
But before that we noted that it is a battery hog that drained your battery if left connected to the Diag Connector without engine running!

Others have told me it doesn't suck juice after the ign is shut down???
Think I'll try it out in my car and see.