Anyone use this brake line kit?

I left my front master cylinder hanging upside down for 3 weeks when I sent my bars off to be made .....whoops!......No front brake when I refitted it to the T bars (still on sale here for £150 ) ....I just pumped up and used my cable ties to finish the job
Doesn't Tune ECU have the "Bleed brakes" function now to open the ABS valves?
Tune Ecu and a bluetooth ODBII plug was what I used to bleed my ABS roadster.
Just did the basic hose from nipple to a bottle with brake fluid above hose outlet. Push pedal down crack nipple and re tighten before releasing pedal. Repeat a zillon times always keeping the master cyclinder topped up as air is removed pedal will stiffen up. Once no air bubbles are in the discharge connect tuneecu and activate the bleed abs function and repeat the bleed process Tuneecu will tell you with a timer when the abs is going to cycle.