Anyone know who makes these saddle bags?

The back rest looks stock. I think I may have one or two extra.

If you are looking at Corbin bags, hope you have deep pockets.

BTW, I have a dookey pot full of most stock chrome parts and pieces for the R3STD and Roadster. Cans, headers, crossover, luggage, radiator, etc

I would be interested if you have a backrest with the luggage rack that would fit a 15 roadster.
So I have corbin bags on my new bike. They fit right up next to the fender. My question is how can i have a passenger back rest like the one posted above?

I am guessing use the factory brackets that will be like a spacer between the fender and Corbin bag. Just want to make sure that is what is going on before i spend money on something that will not work.

Ummm....been a while since I had mine apart, but I'm thinking I remember that the back rest brackets mount to the frame under that piece of chrome trim on the rear fender while the bolts that hold the bags on are the same bols that holds the fender, bolted through the bag, trim and frame then into the inner fender support....but I could be wrong. Hell I'm frequently wrong...wife tells me all the time. Either way @Idaho Red Rocket 3 is correct...the factory backrest systems works as designed and comes with new trim that is cut out for the sissy bar bracket.

That is correct. I have the same setup.