Anyone know what this is?????


Standard Bore
Jul 11, 2007
Raleigh, NC
Came back from a quick ride and noticed this half hanging down from under the right side of the tank.....Anyone know what it is for????
Thanks chappy.....I thought it look like a hood (bonnet) holder on a car. It must have wiggled loose.......
I thought it was a prodding stick...I used to poke HD riders at stop lights then I would speed away.
Mine's fallen out a couple times too (had the same reaction at first: WTF is this?) Wish there were a better way to secure it than the 2 plastic clips that hold it in. :cry:
Reckon you can take it off the bike and toss it in the back of your tool box until you need it.

It'll even save a few grammes of weight...
I've lost two of those now. Buggered if I'm buying another one.

When I lift the tank now, I jam a big yellow handled screwdriver in there to hold it up. :lol:
wingandaprayer said:
explore inner space - become familiar with your bike. become one - ZEN :!:
check the manual -
com'n guys don't be such dork(s) :!:

Check the manual? Ha! That's the worst book I have ever received. I could barely find the oil and tire pressure recommendations. Maybe I'm too used to McDonnell Douglas manuals, but I'm really disappointed in the lack of information in the Triumph book.