Anyone know the whereabouts of scot in exile?


Aug 10, 2015
Dayton, OH or Joliet, IL
2013 R3R
He and I are doing a parts swap, but he hasn't responded to any of my messages for several days now. Did he actually go into exile?
If you post anything about a kilt he will pop up out of no where. lol

I noticed your other thread about parts swap. If for some reason Scot doesn't help you out I might can another words but you can count on that he will.

The chrome parts I have are:

Mirrors (mickey mouse OEM)
Headlight buckets and trim rings
Fork debris deflectors
Mud guard covers
I'm not sure what you mean by "Rear foot peg mounts" but I have everything that came with the 2010 Roadster.

I don't have the radiator covers because I had those professionally painted matte black instead of buying the expensive matte black ones from Triumph.
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Post a picture of some sheep! He'll magically appear
I highly doubt he's intentionally absent. Sometimes the physical life is a little more pressing than the electronic one.

Technically, now that I've removed and actually seen what they are, the rear foot peg pieces are just covers, but the cover the mounts...
I'm alive sorry guys been running around plumbing, soccer refereeing and teaching a few MSF BRC courses, appreciate all the kind words but a box of chocolates would also do alright still wanting to do the swap(sorry Mully) can you send or post a picture so we are on the same page, I noticed your post about the headlight housing was it easy enough to get off?
I was thinking of something more along the lines of this exile saga...


I don't know yet, I haven't had time to work on it...I will be first thing Saturday morning tho...should be easy enough...glad you're ok...
All right here is what I have
what color is your horn cover ? Do you want to swap that also, keep all your nuts and bolts, washers etc as they all seem to be the same color, it is a lot easier just removing the whole headlight than trying to fish wires thru it. Send me your address and I will get this lot sent off.