Anyone interested in doing Three Sisters this year?

I am expecting Steel Tuesday PM. Will ride out Wednesday shortly after sunrise. Stop here. 281 286 9087. We'll feed you.

You be a GOOD MAN, Rick!
Wish you were on my way.
In Tuson for the night. The Cortez Hwy was awesome!
Tomorrow I shall ride Mt. Lemmon, check out Tombstone (never been to either) & then head east to Leakey.
Bondo up the holes,base coat of flesh primer = good to ride!
See y'all Wednesday!
Are we all going to get wet on weds? Forecast I am looking at is calling for rain. Packing cold weather suit and rain suit.
Will be cold at night & mornings

It'll be nice just needs to stay cold enough for the jacket all day. Not really cold enough though, I love cold weather riding. Especially if on the rocket. The heat is finally appreciated
My biggest concern is finding a seat pad. This weekend I was reminded the seat on the TB is a torture rack. Might try an Airhawk.

You'll have a sweaty achy butt