Anyone headed to daytona

Going down on Thursday. Stopping at Willies Tropical Tattoo for the bike show then down to Port ST John to my bro's house for the weekend.
Storm of This Centrury

I'm going to call it, The Storm of This Century. At least for the deep south and up the noreaster coast storm trackers.

Folks heading to Daytona will see a miserable tail end of the weekend and early into next. Bundle up and stay dry.

I'm calling for a snow across the deep south not seen since last century and more severe storms in many years. If it don't happen I'll use papered meteorologists' excuses: (Too list)
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Our SCRC chapter headed over Sunday morning. We chased rain and HEAVY winds all the way across Florida on I-4. Miserable ride. We got there late and missed most of the other chapters we were going to meet up with.
So we had lunch, and headed back the way we came in. Sunny and seriously windy.
That wind beat me like I owed it money !
It started to rain a little when I got back into town. I made it home, cold, wet, and beat.
I'm sitting here at the Hooters in Daytona and still loving in. Will be here all week. We are camping in the campground behind the Hooters...
I've seen a few Triumphs, Tigers, America's, and a few other Rockets. Those guys didn't know about the Rocket sites so I gave them the info. We surrounded the Kuryaken guys and told them to build some Rocket stuff Dammit!!!
I've seen a few Triumphs, Tigers, America's, and a few other Rockets. Those guys didn't know about the Rocket sites so I gave them the info. We surrounded the Kuryaken guys and told them to build some Rocket stuff Dammit!!!

Good job Ted! I was at their tent at Biktoberfest and couldn't get a word in edge wise they were so busy.
I've seen a few Triumphs, Tigers, America's, and a few other Rockets. Those guys didn't know about the Rocket sites so I gave them the info. We surrounded the Kuryaken guys and told them to build some Rocket stuff Dammit!!!
I hope the weather hasn't been too terribly hard. It should warm up the rest of the week with no weather to worry about. Though showers will develop quickly, further south, closer to the Keys at the earliest.
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