Anybody's bike on here

Sure hope you are progressing well, Amigo.
My brother, Dan, has just began an arduous journey through proton therapy for prostate canser.
Please forward my best wishes to your brother on a speedy recovery. The proton treatemnt is far less invasive and the side effects are minimal in comparison. Me? Finding out a few more home truths on the time span for recovery. With the progress being slow, it will be a further 12 months before I'm able to eat, drink, etc.. Onwards and upwards, I'll get there in the end!

Oh $hit!
What a horrible burden that has been dumped on you! I'm not religious and don't know the verse, but I truly hope the Bible is correct in that no one gets a burden they can not bear.
When I was a young 'un, our teacher took our class to the local zoo - disproportionately good for the size of the town at the time, they had a hippo exhibit. The enclosure was a 'corner lot' and we all spread out along the fence on two sides.

Wouldn't you know it, the hippo started doing that, and as luck would have it, the kids on one side of the enclosure got a first hand experience, while the rest of us after the initial surprise had a royal laugh at their expense.