Anybody use one of these? Liscense plate relocating bracket!

Ok here goes! I ordered it on EBay, recieved it 4 days later. Just installed it, took a little longer than I figured. Had to snip turn signal wires and re-attach after install. Rubber grommets don't fit new bracket, tried to enlarge holes, still a pain to get on, Metal was quality, I contacted the company to ask if I had to cut wires or is there a connector that, I'm missing. Girl from company took my number and called back in 10 minutes. ( Good cuctomer service ) and said to cut the wires and re-attach. Over all I give it a good rating. And here's pictures, before ( from a stock rocket ) forgot to take before picture and One afterwards. I think it looks alot better!!!!


  • RocketIII_Roadster_Desktop-Download.jpg
    97.6 KB · Views: 197
  • Rocket license plate relocate 002.jpg
    Rocket license plate relocate 002.jpg
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I just unplugged my indicators when I installed it easy as no need to snip wires that girl is a jackass telling u that.
Also if you remove tail light u will notice that it is much easier to install because you can remove the little threaded pins from here and just slide back once bracket is in place grommets and all will fit fine .

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If you follow the leads to the indicators they unplug under the right side cover from memory the . Right indicator will have red band on insulation near plug then you just run the leads through licence plate. Bracket and plug them back in . No need to cut anything I can't believe that girl told u that .

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Ohh well, it's done already. Was yours a Roadster?? Maybe different from other Rockets?
Ohh well, it's done already. Was yours a Roadster?? Maybe different from other Rockets?

Nope mine is a 09 standard and its the same on a roadster because my mate put one on his roadster and it was the same process.
all lights ect unplug somewhere just a matter of following wire back to the plug.:cool:

ohwell its done now wish i had known before i would of posted some pics for u or something because the rivco girl wouldnt know her arse from her face by the sounds of it :D and once u know how to install correctly by removing tail light it only takes about 25 mins .