Anybody got an idea of What Windshield??

Make sure the cut-outs are as close as possible to the headlights.
Never had this issue with my Clearwater or the 7Jurrock, which I feel is better.
Curious - do you ride without a helmet? If not, which type?

3/4 helmet........shield is about 1.5 inches above the headlights.....I see the bracket can be adjusted about 1.5 to 2 inches above or below where I am at now. My concern would be if I lower the shield down to headlights that I will get way too much blast over the top of the shield.....although it is a re-curve......maybe it would be okay.....???



My 7Jurrock is a recurve & I found it gave me an extra inch or more that I could lower the shield.
Tis currently all moot for me, because now both shields sit in the garage & I run a super fly screen.
I have a cee bailey, very wide and tall. Fits double lite, 9 hole bracket. I have aftermarket triumph shield on bike as i am selling ( 2016 roadster) also have the side deflectors . All good shape if interested let me know.
I think cee bailey closed motorcycle division accordind to recent posts. Probsbly most protection without going to fairing.
I have the clearview and I do the exact same thing in all kinds of weather and its great. Open the vent and no more buffeting. In the hot weather I remove the lower defecters and that also helps for summer heat. Its interesting how you can adjust for different climatic changes.