Any "must do" mods?

I understand (and agree with) the patriotic issue, I just can't see what's wrong with the prints though. the union jack is symmetrical is it not? How can a mirror image be wrong?
The proverbial devil is forever in the detail. Perhaps you have never looked properly?

Assumption is the mother of all f4ckups.
Why anyone would not want to build for this bike is beyond me. I guess low volume. But they make them for like Tiger!!!! Gesh
I bet if enough of us continue to contact them, asking about their plans for the Rocket 3, they may reconsider.
Any images of the horn install. Please share as I can't figure out how to install on my 3R.
Any images of the horn install. Please share as I can't figure out how to install on my 3R.
I don't have any pictures, but you have to bend the bracket into almost a Z shape so it fits.
This is made with the stock bracket. Just bent it in a vise until it fit. This is not my measurements but that's what I when by. It's C**t hair close
Yup, I agree with both Louballs and biker1059. It's just a matter of bending the bracket right. I didn't use near the precision of the link that biker1059 posted. Just used a pair of pliers and trial and error to bend the bracket into the appropriate shape. Install lightly, remove, tweak, repeat. I made extra care to be sure that after my final adjustments the horn was touching neither the engine nor the radiator. Just keep at it, you'll get it. Sorry, i don't have pictures of the resulting bracket bend.