Any closer ?

A head scratcher for sure.
A head scratcher for sure.
“ Head scratcher”, that’s funny lol. You want to know what a “ head scratcher “ is?....The 2005 bike I’ve been riding for 16 years has the EXACT same issue. It at least gave me the first two years owning it a butter smooth ride. Every year after that was like riding a Black n Decker wood sander. Endured it for...13 friggin years. Finally had enough. Argued with my wife, to near divorce, for a new ride. A much better ride. A new, truly unbelievably awesome ride. A ride that would cost......deservingly so... much more than my now...”aged” bike.....N wouldn’t you just know it....Right out of the box has an even worse vibration issue than my other palm sander..... At this point I don’t know wether to just pull the BBQ into the garage, shut the door, n light it....Or go to the local tattoo shop n get a large black capital L on my forehead.....What say you’s ?
All I can say is that the universe works in mysterious ways. For all we know, the issues caused you to make slightly different choices and, in the end, you are much better off. (avoided an accident or something similar!). If you believe things happen for a reason, take heart. If not, I say get the L tattoo. Then, when things work out, you can always finish the square and work for squid game. Killer job.
What is it about optimists? Never a solution. Only irrational....hope ..........