Any Brothers/Sisters on this page and ride R3's?

Hey Patrol,

Ending abuse is a really great cause and I've got a LOT of respect for those that give their time and effort for what they believe.

I was wonder if you could briefly describe to me what y'all are about and how y'all operate?

Full disclosure:
I've seen this question answered before.
Nothing but respect for you; just hoping for a clearer perspective.

Thanks Scott
Outstanding Frosty..what Chapter are you riding with?
I started in January checking out the Simcoe chapter here, but they were pretty far away, they referred me over to the York Region South chapter that is just starting up, so I have been with them since about April. My only hold up has been the vulnerability check and prints, every town around here, you walk into the police station and say, hey I need this done, and they do it, no fuss or anything else, but because I am in Toronto this has become a fiasco trying to get it done. There is so much beurocratic BS in this city, that anything that should be simple and straight forward they manage to make it a total PITA
Apologies my friend , I thought you were joking about the checks . Makes sense now !
Hello Scott...I see your from Ft Worth..we have a VERY strong presense in Texas and a chapter in Ft Worth....if you have any questions, etc go to pretty much gives you a quick overview of the mission and is your local chapter. We have chapters now in 17 countries. This is not for the faint of heart. You put your emotions, time and at times your ass on the line for these kids. its not a fast process....we are set up like an MC, follow MC process and ways but our focus is your kids. If your interested, start with the website, go to a meeting, but make sure your willing to own your **** and if this is a path your willing to walk down, excellent...ONE BACA

Excellent, your not too far away from my chapter. It takes time...keep the faith brother. Hope to see you at a region meet some time.