Antigravity Battery

I could take allot more weight off the bike by going on a diet myself for that much. BUT the newer the tech, the more money it costs too. I like the "restart" function of it works though. ...pretty cool.
Let us know how well it works in temperatures below 40F.
I just received this. Will post more on starting, reliability, and problems. It's light!

A buddy of mine has one of those in his lotus 3 replica and hasn’t replaced it in 10 years. His is the size of a motorcycle battery and it flips the 4cyl with ease
The anti gravity battery works well at higher altitudes due to there being less gravity. These are popular in such places as Tibet and Chile. It is understood Neil armstrong also uses one in his sherpa powered vespa
Let us know how well it works in temperatures below 40F.

Having personal experience with Anti Gravity, Ballisitcs, and Shorai, I'll give Anti Gravity the endorsement as best LiFePO4 maker of the three.

The jump box I use is AG brand and it doesn't care what the temp is at all.

It should work out great!
I'll give Anti Gravity the endorsement as best LiFePO4 maker of the three.
Is it really LiFePO4 Rob? - Because that is important. Most that say Lithium-Ion do so because they cannot put LiFePO4 on the box.

The CCA rating thing is pure bollocks if the chemistry cannot work. My Lithum in the R3 (bought because the LeadAcid died on holiday) is NOT LiFePO4. It needs warming after sleeping overnight in my mums garage in UK spring. When warm it'll crank the LandRover over.

The Lithium in my Guzzi is LiFePO4 - has a bit less kick when warm - but operates to much colder temps. I made this myself.

Wish A123 still made the big 8aH cells - I'd make more and I'd make another 16aH beast - That belted out a kilo-amp, burnt out a starter motor (oops)

Note that all Li I have seen so far have one common "issue" they do NOT like to be charged subzero (Celcius).
That sounds fine until you realise that the engine will be charging the battery.

I keep my jump box (Genius 7000 Joule) inside so it's never cold. My mate Jim kept his Anti-Gravity Jump Box inside his Jacket.

If I were further north and more susceptible to cold - tbh I think I would go back to LeadAcid and simply carry a small LiFePO4 booster.
Live somewhere Hot: Lithium of any sort. Fit and forget.
In between - Think I would retry the parallel system used by @warp9.9 - Tried it here but along with the summer temps it was killing lead acids off really fast. Though tbh it would be totally unnecessary.

One thing I do like is 4 post batteries.
This the the battery I have that is crap below 40F. I ran it for one winter and summer then replaced it before last winter. It did t matter how long I let it warm.