
Dennis, I've been through this with you before! Hope the seat is still fart free. Congratulations and welcome back.

Hey Vee, got Spike the same month in Denver. Erico They said mine was their second. Black
I got hi BP from waiting 10 months.
Ok, I'll keep an eye out for you and give you the rocket cheer when I see you.
May be running into a slight problem getting this deal to go through. It kind of hinged on this "wholesaler" from south Florida putting up $16K for my bike...I was getting kind of robbed at that amount but had dealt with it and resigned myself that if it took that to get rid of the Harley...then so be it. Today when I got the rest of money together and called my salesman he said that he'd have to check on the specifics of the deal again as it had been over a month and a half since I had started this up. He called me back and said the "wholesaler" said that since the new 2014 Harleys were "rolling" that my bike was now only worth 15K...needless to say I was not very happy at this. Davo, my salesman, is still working on this and got my payoff but was wondering again how much money I had available. If this 15K is firm...I may not have enough to get the bike this week and Davo is trying to see if he can get some other party interested in my soon to be ex-Harley to where this might get overcome.

Wish me luck but I am just a tad down in the dumps right now as I had the money that was needed originally ready to go for this Friday or Saturday.

And if anybody had any doubts before this...Harley's do not, I repeat, do not hold their value and are pretty much getting into the Japanese bike category of not holding their value either.
Hey Vee, got Spike the same month in Denver. Erico They said mine was their second. Black
I got hi BP from waiting 10 months.
hey busa, mine from foothills, these two bikes came down the pike one in front of the other! as far as hi BP **** you had that already, you live in cheyenne! missiles right across the street, and all those smelly cattle during frontier days!!
hey busa, mine from foothills, these two bikes came down the pike one in front of the other! as far as hi BP **** you had that already, you live in cheyenne! missiles right across the street, and all those smelly cattle during frontier days!!

Sorry Vee got mine from foothills also. Couldn't remember.
Yea I took care of those missiles for 35 years used to eat lunch sitting on nukes.
Just don't get into a parade Frontier days behind those horses.
Our bikes must have been very close together.
Did they have to replace the final drive about a month later that wasn't needed?
And if anybody had any doubts before this...Harley's do not, I repeat, do not hold their value and are pretty much getting into the Japanese bike category of not holding their value either.

And people still drop their mouths open when I tell them the MSRP on my 2013 Roadster is 14,995