Another One From So Cal


Standard Bore
Jul 13, 2014
2011 R3R
Hello, another R3R rider from Southern California. Pretty close to where Riverside, Orange and San Diego counties come together in a little place called La Cresta. Been lurking for a while and thought I should make an honest man of myself.

I'm 6'9", 350# (25 stone for you in Oz), so the Rocket was a good choice for me. I have ridden bikes for 50 years; mostly dual sports because they fit better. I always wanted a Harley until I sat on one--no dice. The Rocket fits pretty well--not great but pretty good. I've been this height since I was 16 so I am used to having to adapt to whatever I ride, or adapt the bike to me.

I've got about 5,000 miles on it so far and have just one question; can anybody tell me what 5th gear is for?
G'day and welcome extremely tall person ... 5th gear is for the German Autobahns and the Northern Territory ;)
W3elcome Barbarosa, are you relate to our very own Barbagris??:)
Welcome to the Forum from Sunny South Florida Seems as though we're having a run on La-La-Landers today!
Hello Barbarosa and welcome fom VA. Fifth gear is for scorthing 395 north for a burger in Indian wells then headed south to Mojave for a beer. Or zooming 86 down by Salton Sea for an excellent Carne Asada burrito in El Centro... Don't forget to pick up some cider in Ramona on the way home. (just can't use fifth gear around there much though...)
Welcome. You don't know what 5th gear is for? I'm one of many who would dearly like a 6th. These engines don't need to be revved so I use 5th all the time.

By the way, we wouldn't say 25 stone either - more likely 160kg. You be a big fella though for sure and a Harley would have felt like a toy. Most Harleys (including several of the 103ci models) are learner legal bikes here, which I love saying to people.

Good to have you join us.