ANOTHER new guy from Virginia (is there no end?!!)


Hey Nurseman,
I too am a male nurse. All 6"4" and 300lbs of me. I was a corrections nurse until last December and I now work on the forensic unit of my state psychiatric hospital. I get in a couple of brawls Q week and deal with ongoing high stress of regular suicide attempts, assaults etc.
The first thing I do when I leave work is pull a big Phat wheelie leaving the parking lot on my Rocket. I'd talk more but my Stat pager is ringing...

Well well, I'm not easily timidated however your transition and my recent release from protected enclosures has me in somewhat of a quandry. I'll get over it eventually it is just a bit of time until CRS sets in and nothing matters . Hope you try to get to the little get together in Nashville, and oh, welcome Nurseman. good to have you hear.
Are the Virginians addicted to power?

As Britman, et al, can confirm; scientifically and geneologically it makes sense that so many from the cradle of Washington, Madison and Jefferson would wish to ride none but the R3...
1. We have always enjoyed pushing the British to the limits
2. We have always like to have power in our hands (see list of Presidents)
3. Ever since they trashed our powdered wigs, what the heck else were we gonna do besides blow by those that think only in the past (HD riders in particular) and fear the changes of the future.....

In fact, wasn't the first American 'Triumph' finalized at Yorktown VA....


P.S. Must we always quarrel about the 'fastest' color....Believe it is written in the English bible that, " Cycles may be like the rainbow, but only the fleetest and fearless will ride in that which is the most untameable of all the hues -- those special riders who chooseth to ride upon only black or dark black..." I am sure I saw that in the Book of Hinckley...
Clarification Request

those special riders who chooseth to ride upon only black or dark black
I was just wondering what's the difference between black and dark black. We, who ride the RED and walk the RED walk and talk the RED talk and push the RED LINE are curious?

Actually, I think it depends more on rthe Captain's ability to control the beast than the color when it comes to speed. [ Unless you've got the Super Charger or Turbo assisting you]

Glad to have you aboard, Nurseman. One of my golfing buddies is a nurse at Kansas University Medical Center. Started out harvesting for liver transplants and now he's in charge of the whole liver transplant operation. He's also the meanest defenseman I've ever seen play hockey!
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