May I offer what I prepared for further explanation:
Interested in the MC vs Car statement. If I may get picky for a moment.
Interested to know how/why the self same bog standard 7" light unit assembly is worse on a bike than a car. The only factor I can think of is proximity to the ground.
If we refer to 5&3/4 as opposed to 7" - OK - but loads of cars had 5&3/4" lights. And yes - they were terrible.
I have a set of Bosch designed 7" Halogen P43T H4 light units that came out of a Toyota 4WD. Put one into a Harley - was excellent (within the bounds of the technology). Pre LED. I did fit HID and there was an improvement though NOT dramatic.
Part of the issue is (and most certainly at the cheaper end of the price range) is that the reflectors sold for M/C use are simply SO CRAP they would not be accepted as legal on most cars.
The 5&3/4" format was NEVER intended for replaceable bulbs - So getting ANY H4 bulb to correctly focus and beam is frankly like peeing into the wind.
I have seen documentation from Hella that shows a 35W sealed beam 5&3/4" puts more light on the road than a 60/55W H4 5&3/4". And, sadly, to our cost the Triumph 5&3/4" fitted to Rockets (not T's) are pretty poor. But of course the 747's at 10,000m can see us which is the main thing.
The Speaker Adaptives are the ONLY
after-market light I have come across designed specifically for single track tilting vehicles.
ALL others are pretty much designed for Dual track non tilting vehicles. So should be no real surprise they function better in that application.
Yeah! - I know - I'm picky - bite me!.