Another drunk driver

I think your stance is a little soft on crime. Rotting in jail cost the rest of us a lot of money. I’d rather spend it other stuff. As usual I’ve said to much.
I'm a lot of things but soft on crime I am not. Jay walking? 20 years hard labor. Spit gum on the sidewalk? 50 lashes from a Vibranium or Adamantium whip.
Is he illegal, where did you find the info? can not find it

Robles has been charged with six counts of Intoxication Assault With A Vehicle and three counts of Intoxicated Manslaughter With A Vehicle, as well an immigration violation.

Here's the link to the news story I read that
An immigration violation could mean most anything. It's kind of like being on probation in a way, and one of the terms of the immigration agreement are that the immigrant "obey all laws" so any violation of the law. serious or minor, would constitute an immigration violation.
Give him the death penalty , then send his ashes back across the border!