Another Dark Side

I think I "fubarbed" The Riken Raptor I have on my hardtail Rocket is flat at the moment. The first Raptor developed a bubble on the sidewall, then slow leak, to flat overnight. Very little use. Long story longer, I ordered 2 of these, and I fear they are too wide. They look like steam rollers! Anyone tried these? 245/50ZR-16 General G-MAX RS SL
Hello CooterTwo
a CT 245/50/16 have a perimeter of 2.05 m . A MC tyre of 240/50/16 ( genuine one ) have one of 2.03 meter . But in bump , a 245 had great
chance to touch the mudguard !
I have choosen a 215/65/16 who have a perimeter of 2.15 m that kind of introduce an overdrive : My bike draw nearly 130 km/H at 3000 rounds/min .
These dimensions offers a better handling , before my 215/65/16 I had put a 225/60/16 ( 2.12 m ) and I was astonished at first trial of the better
vivacity of the new 215 !
With TunbeEcu you can change the odometer ratio in order that the odometer shows the same speed than GPS .
My first CT last 50 000 Km , my second 40 000 Km , it's now my 3th ! But I always change them because not the used tread but but because of the wear on the sides .
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Thanks for the reply. I've found some differences in "same" sizes, depending on the manufacturer. They tend to vary a little, here and there.
Can you post pictures of the raked stretched drag rocket, i know ive never seen it or there would be a poster of it above my bed