And here she is!!!!

it was certainly a misunderstanding on my part then because I was getting ready to write a check..carry on..besides, you can never trust a Scotsman when he's smiling in your face while shaking your hand because his other hand might be in your back pocket..hey I'm kidding Dave..relax..
Da*n. Is there going to be a rumble after school?

not on my behalf..although I did want to know the dealio on what I had asked, everything else is well intentioned misunderstood sarcasm..

I got nuthing but love and respect for ya Lupe..serious..oh, and Dave too..although might be taking it a little too far..get back with a ride report on that Indian..
Well,,, if you were about to write the check,,,,,,,,,
Sure will,
Why the picture showed upside down is beyond me
I hear you bro. Was going to make a comment but backed off. Tulsa is breaking loose with this Virus. Time to back down.