Whilst C/F undoubtedly reduces weight (thus comfort and less fatigue) - I an less convinced it per se makes a lid safer - it seems not to fare all that well in direct impact tests. It is a tough call and we all have to be comfy with our decisions. I have had Schuberth before - but will not be buying another.
I've have an AGV GT volace for 2 years now, quite quiet, learned to pull the helmet down in front to reduce wind noise, that being said I still need ear plugs, "Drift to Sleep" very soft and don't put alot of inner pressure in the ear, yet lets the sound of the intake ,Ram Air, inflitrate nicely.

Long day's ride - climbed off the bike - left pant leg snagged on the reach rod of the kick stand - face plant into the asphalt alley with NO witnesses!!!
1olbull, "NO witnesses" it never happened.... LOL, the pro's, you will get over the financial loss an the damaged pride. Now you ride with a brain bucket that most envy.
1olbull, "NO witnesses" it never happened.... LOL, the pro's, you will get over the financial loss an the damaged pride. Now you ride with a brain bucket that most envy.

So far I am pleased and feel better protected.
See new thread - "Helmet Impact Study"
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I feel lucky. Have not had the Issue of testing out the stats on a crash test with a helmet yet. Hopefully never do. Sounds to me like a hoop law to charge a lot of money for a expensive status symbol. Look to me as if your going down yes your head is a important issue but what about the rest of you? Buried a friend awhile back Open gasket from neck up.

I found a used Scuberth C3 modular. 150$. Not worth it. Over rated. My Bell Star is lighter and produces a much more comfortable ridding bubble. Used 100$. The best is the Bell 500. Too bad it is open face. For the summer can't beat it. Have tried it with the clip-on face shield and it works well.
I kind of like the stable HJC Not the best but works. Plus side is you can leave it with the bike and come back and find it still there on the seat unsecured. Another plus is when you accidental role it off and hits the pavement your just thinking "oh well" not that you just scratched up a $700,00 dollar plus helmet. Besides all that wife says my brains are located a bit lower than my head. Don't matter anyhow like wearing my chaps while riding.
Thought they would be more expensive in Aust. $999 for Matt black would do me can’t see the value in $1099 for Hi/Vis