An R+D Thread - Different instruments.

Yikes - Soak in white vinegar for a week.
Great info as usual Ken,
Can i assume this dash upgrade wont work on a Roadster????
... Can i assume this dash upgrade wont work on a Roadster????
Assumption correct Tony - the Roadster gauges are CANBUS so many of the signals into it (incl the speed and rpm) are digitally encoded.

I have not tried the Roadster but on other Triumph Keihin ECU CANBUS models of that generation, the bike will not start without the gauges being connected.
Can someone perhaps test/validate that?
(If the bike WILL start without the gauges being connected, it would still be possible to connect after-market non-CANBUS gauges, but wiring would be different (and not everything available at the Main Harness Instrument Connector Interface)

If you can point me to the connector, I can test this weekend. I need to remove the bars and upper yoke to reroute front brake line, a couple minutes to test this won't hurt me any. Assuming the wife gives me time away from packing the house to work on the bike that is.
You moving again? Didn't you just move to Florida. I certainly do not envy you!
You moving again? Didn't you just move to Florida. I certainly do not envy you!

Yeah, less than a year in Florida. Staying in South Florida, Miami/Ft Lauderdale, just a different suburb.

We are restructuring my IT department this year, so I have to stick around for another year while things stabilize. Next year, probably moving to the west coast, Portland/Seattle area, or Denver. Hopefully that is the last move. Packing a 3000sqft house is not something you consider lightly lol

Yeah my oldies did it every 3-4 years from before my birth with career changes and diplomatic service etc - an absolute PITA.
Ah another reason not to own a roadster!!!!