Amplink - Anybody using one?

how would an app cause the failure? If that was the case then everybody! would have had that problem
Not necessarily Franz, it only seems to affect the older Amplinks and most owners fit them set them up and never touch them again. Bedifferent, earlier in the post is a prime example he hasn't touched his since it was installed. I was unlucky that I had one fitted to a car restoration I was doing and was finalising wiring behind the dashboard, so constantly checking and rechecking. Thought I'd short circuited it or done something wrong. Went home, had one on my Blackbird, checked, it was working OK. Connected the new app to log the settings so when I bought a new one it could be programmed and setup quickly. It stopped working!! The company has admitted that it is a trigger problem but won't put any effort into solving the problem. What does the app change when it interacts with the Amplink? I'm not into electronics so don't know. Very strange though that the company has blocked me!!
I know you would like me to contact the company, but I am reluctant to get in any kind of a conversation with the company over a issue I am not having a problem with. I appear to be good. Discussing all the ins and out of what you have be going through would be difficult at best and not something I want to do or get involved with. I'm not sure what you mean when you say they have blocked you. Are they unwilling to allow you to return the unit for inspection or repair? Anyway, I've been reading some of the information in the user manual about troubleshooting the amplinks. Out of curiosity, what are the serial numbers of the two non functioning amplink unit. Are they equal to or less than number 56027415. If I understand correctly from the manual, there is an issue with a number of pairable bluetooth devices that those units can be paired with. When that number is reached the amplink will no longer pair and the units must be sent in for reprogramming. The issue was fixed in later serial number units.
Hi, not sure where you sourced the information in your post, I've been on their website the troubleshooting for the Amplink is non existent. Is this information available on a website somewhere? Really interesting, two of the serial numbers are 56027185 and 56034376 both of these have lost triggers 1 and 3. Been through the original packaging for them and all we receive here in the UK is a quick start leaflet, which up to now has worked great. If the company knows that certain serial numbers need a reprogram why wouldn't they let me know? I've refitted the third back onto my bike, ground trigger on 1 not functioning all others seem OK it's serial number is 56031096. When I say they have blocked me, none of my emails are answered and any attempt to contact them through their website is ignored. I wonder if they realise I'm UK based and don't want the aggravation of international postage and potential customs problems? Not once did they ask me to return the units for investigation/repair!! Bedifferent, I can fully understand your reluctance to become involved in the problems I am having and I would never ask you to. I've joined various forums to make as many bikers/ kit car owners and anyone else who may use these aware of a potential problem, also trying to elicit a response from the company. The only question I would encourage anyone to ask the company would be along the lines of " can the new app cause issues with older Amplinks as they have heard on their forum that it can"?
This is the website I was on and I found the information under the "Resource" tab. There are two pdf files there that are active.
This is where I found the information under the resource tab. There were two pdfs there that are active. General information and Operation manual.

Apparently my phone doesn't like the r3 website as my post is appearing twice. Check out the link
I've used the PDM60 in multiple vehicles (2 and 4 wheels) over the last few years with no problems. It's a huge upgrade over the the old fuse block and relays I used to use.