Ambient Temperature Indication Inaccurate


Old man on a bike
Dec 11, 2014
Coldwater, MI
2015 Rocket 3 Touring
I noticed on my new 23 GT that the air temperature on my display is only correct when I first start up the bike. I'm not sure where it pulls this information from, but it continues to rise as I ride the bike. Over time, it usually is as much as 15 to 20 degrees higher than the actual ambient air temperature. Not critical mass, but it would be nice if it was a little more accurate.
The temperature sensor is under the front cowl. You might look to see if it has a big dragonfly or something on it. Do you notice if it goes down when on the open road and higher in slow traffic? I changed the airflow on mine by turning the weatherstrip around eliminating the gap on the bottom.
I have been wondering if maybe the Madstad windshield my have affected the airflow and temperature reading. I seem to pay more notice on the open road and it definitely climbs up over time. I wasn't paying much attention when just the stock fly screen was on the bike to start with. I didn't notice if the temperature was more accurate at that point in time. It seems there would be plenty of airflow even with the windshield installed. Those that still run the fly screen might be a better judge about the temperature deviation. Are you running the fly screen? Breezy!
I'm running the Powerbronze Powerblade. The adjustable one with two screens. I like it but had to reinforce the mounting hardware from the plastic spacers. The forces on them were crushing them under speed. On the ambient temp. sensor, if you inspect your sensor, it has a small black tube to run down into "clean" air. If the hose is kinked or plugged with road grime/insects it will read high. Mine did. That's one of the reasons I decided to turn the weatherstrip seam to the top. Now, the windshield protects the airflow and the cowl area stays clean and dry.
I'll have to take it all apart and check it out. Thanks for the insite.
I have the standard GT screen and noted i left home the other day and it was very cold out (about 4 deg. c or 40f), the bike read 8 deg.c when I started it up, and after my 30km (18 miles) ride to work it rose to 10.5deg.c, even though I knew it was still only around 4 or 5 outside. My sensor looks very clean, so I guess they just not very good.