Am Seriously Considering Selling My Roadster and Getting.....

Exact reasons why I bought the tour. The roadster was like riding a minibike. At 6'5/280 I need a big bike andeven with the tour model I have to modify the floorboard mounts to get mote legroom.

I agree, @ 5'17'' I can hardly ride a roadster, the touring is better for more inseam I think the touring is kind of a e-glide look a like, so if you like that look!
Hey mate

I have the same issue with what to do with my Roadster and have chosen
to mod the rocket . I test road a few touring bikes and loved the Indian roadmaster
but it was nearly a 30k change over .My rocket only had 11000ks on it.
I intend to do a around AUSTRALIA trip and most of it on the rocket till I
get toto the back country and use a more suitable bike for the dirt roads

I am fitting a set of Shad panniers and top box. fitted the top box
So far and hope to fit the side cases this week while in Canberra.
The top box is great and adjustable for size and the side panniers
Can fit a full helmet and gear as well.

I Put a set of highway pegs on but thinking of fitting forward controls
I will have to put the highway pegs further forward or when I
Fit a crash bar they probably then be in the right place.
Going to get the seat customised front and back and fit a touring
style rear cushion on the top box for the misses.

Now thinking of a fairing as well to add to the list



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