Am Seriously Considering Selling My Roadster and Getting.....

The floorboards are indeed high, I got mine from a 70 yr old that said it was just becoming too much so he went to a full dresser Indian he scraped them pads on the footrest I don’t even come close I don’t think, he also had no chicken hairs on tires I have never hurt one, dude was a nut
I moved from an 05 standard to a 14 T 5yrs ago. In my opinion the T handles better (narrower) tire, is more comfy for longer rides. It also feels heavier than the 05. Power can be increased easily although it is no slouch in that area. You can get a Michelin Commander 2 and get some real mileage from the rear tire. To answer Fred's question on the Saddle Bag size compared to his. Fred wins. The touring bags have annoying pockets for the toolkit etc. that take up room. I give a thumbs up.

Kudos is in order. After the deer crash I basically reconstructed my 05' to look like the 05' that Jake had, based off he a picture he had posted. His is a little fancier than mine

The same company offers the racks as an accessory. They are bigger than the Corbins I had that were destroyed in a deer crash. I don't know how they compare size wise to factory R3T bags.

I have a friend that has those bags on his T-Bird LT. They are just as big if not bigger than the Touring bags.

I do love my 2015 R3T. A new tune, pipes, and had the seat rebuilt are the only mods I needed. We got a bag for the sissy bar and have plenty of storage room when traveling.

I am kinda old school and love the sheepskin.

They are road warriors.
I'm bringing my Touring to Florida in about a month but Perry to Ft Lauderdale is 6 hrs 18 minutes, maybe we could meet halfway.