Wow is this the same Sonny that was so high on his big power Rocket after doing all his homework? Seems a little sudden. Keep the X and add the Yamaha. Electrical problems are the worst.

Yeah. Try a Decosse by-pass. 300$ might just fix everything. Change the expensive adaptives for the cheapoes. That black bike was looking and running good. The Venture is such a whole different thing... I don't tour. It is not my thing. Would only consider a Valkyrie Bagger in that category. Like the Indians but they are off my bike budget.
Electrical gremlins are the worst to deal with. My 99 Venture was a case in point. At about the 60k mark I started having all sorts of charging issues as well as switch failures. I would track one thing down and fix it and another would pop up. After a while I just put the bike up on the lift, stripped it down and went through just about every electrical connector I could find. I checked and cleaned them then used dielectric grease on all connectors. I also did a stator upgrade which helped with the weak charging system that the Ventures had. I tried dismantling some switches but they never worked right so me and Pinwall became good friends and I picked up some lower mileage switches from them. Took a while but it all came together. Yep, electrical problems suck......just got to be patient with it.
Not going off thread - @Nat67 what's up with your van?
An electrical fault I believe? Have the Amber spanner and Electrical fault lights illuminated and the engine just decides to stop at the most awkward times . 10 mins later will start and run fine til it does it again . code reader brings up no engine faults but a fault in the ECM circuit but can narrow it down no further than that . Bloody thing , it just cost me £1500 for 2 new injectors . If I didn't like it so much , it would probably have accidently caught fire by now !
Anyhow , have you changed your mind yet @sonny ? I think you should buy 2 more rockets , then at least 1 would generally be without fault ?
Am i the only one that never had a real problem with the rocket??
The one i sold was and still is so reliable that i would not hesitate to ride it across America, the X i can ride across the world
To date I have a 14 roadster and a 17 Touring that I ride daily, I’ve a total of 90,000km between the two and knock on wood I wouldn’t hesitate taking either of them anywhere. I commute daily on the touring and love it to bits...
Good luck Sunny.
No Lupe, my 2007 Classic is still running strong with no issues
Nat - Just in case it works . Run an additional BIT FAT EARTH from the Battery to the Engine.

I was chatting with my neighbour who's a mechanic last week. He suddenly mentioned they'd seen a whole run of similar issues - and many have turned out to be a deterioration of Earth connection twixt engine and chassis. This happened on my Landie too.