Sonny, good luck with the Venture. I had a 99 Venture for 12 years before buying my old R3T. It was a great bike and I only wished that they carried the V4 into the third gen Venture which they didn’t. Overall it was a very comfortable bike which I put over 90k on it.
Sonny, I thought this was going to be your normal night shift ride home in the AM. Boy was I wrong...

Did you ever look at the Valkyries. You can buy one here in Houston, old untitled for 9K. The thing Sonny is that you are using a bike to commute and what you need is a small SUV or truck.
WOW !! Well I must say, that was little unexpected! Just checked out the Star Venture and guess what? It's not available in the UK. Good luck with the new purchase and you say you'll have it in time for Leakey?