Tired of the lame trouble shooting responses from both truimph and some folks on here. Lets get real here. The bike is a ****ing joke. OK if your a weekend rider and trailer at events but we are not a part of that crowd.

Yes for reasons that go well beyond common sense will keep the X. Call it a soft spot.

Interesting thread... So referring to the title: Are you done? Are you undone? Or were you never done?
K1600gtl. used one near me 4600 miles $12k check windy city triumph to see if it's still there.

Yes Sonny, keep your X.
And as far as what you just said about all those bikes, the coolest muther f***er’s in the world always get something different than what everyone else in the hoi polloi does. That’s what brought us to the R3.
Get that Yami n be different baby!!
And also, sadly, Rockets don't seem to have a lot of resale value. I loved the K1600 when I rode it, but it's really a 2 up bike, and my wife isn't interested in Touring, so my K1200 does a better job for one person. And for the few rides we do, she's happy on the Rocket.
I haven't had a single, solitary issue. 2014, 5 years of riding. I do all the maintenance myself. Best motorcycle I have ever worked on. Fast as hell, sweet transmission. Perfect bike for me. Will never sell.