Feeling your oats a little Clint? Emboldened by the beat down you put on the guy with a drinking problem? At least he had an excuse for the malicious things he said, what was your excuse?
I said nothing malicious. As the joke goes a little off color yes, malicious no. You showed you indeed “have no filter”, yet you bow up if others don’t filter their comments to you?
Let me make a couple of things clear, I don’t like overbearing “Texas proud” Texans, or bullies, or tough guy bikers, I’m not Sonny, and I won’t make a fool of myself bickering back and forth.
If you want to take exception to what I posted then that is is a conversation best had face to face, not squabbling back and forth like a couple of old hens, cuts down on the bravado. I understand you’re coming to Leakey, Shall we continue the discussion there?