Bunch of great fellas on here I’m sure you’re gonna meet your goal. As a matter of fact it’s too low of a goal
Explain it to me, I'm slow.
I've used it many times when I'm out of town. Get to talking to a lady, and they start asking about being from Louisiana. I'll ask if she has any cajun in her, she says no, and I'll ask if she'd like a little. It usually gets a giggle out of them.
I've used it many times when I'm out of town. Get to talking to a lady, and they start asking about being from Louisiana. I'll ask if she has any cajun in her, she says no, and I'll ask if she'd like a little. It usually gets a giggle out of them.
Is the operative word in that statement 'little'??
Boy i get drunk and say some off the wall stuff but Come on folks. Have met both of you folks and believe you both would have enough common ground to enjoy each others company. Shake hands and start over

I'm willing to do that - was just asking for an apology - I'm big enough to do that - is he?