(almost) new Rocket in the Rockies

I have the same bike, almost. Matte black, with white stripes which make it faster...Welcome from Florida. I would show you a pic out my window but don't want to piss you off so soon.

Oh, I'd forgive you if you offered to come over to help me shovel the driveway tomorrow morning
The wisdom of the ages, as summed up best on the poster my daughter just gave me for Christmas...

So my guesses for what you profess are, in order of guessitude:

1. Philosophy
2. History
3. Phenomenology of Religion
4. Cultural Anthropology
5. Sociology

Judging by that book, I had to go with Philosophy first.

My intention is not to pry, Christopher, but to learn more about who we're interacting with in the nebula that is this corner of the www.
Thanks, everyone, for the warm welcome to this corner of cyberspace! As I threw ice-melt onto my freshly shoveled driveway this morning, I looked forward to the first voyage on my new vessel - whenever that turns out to be...
Thanks, everyone, for the warm welcome to this corner of cyberspace! As I threw ice-melt onto my freshly shoveled driveway this morning, I looked forward to the first voyage on my new vessel - whenever that turns out to be...
I guarantee you'll ride yours before I get to ride mine...... You guys down south are downright spoilt.... send that sun northward.
Congrats on the new ride. I've always loved the gloss black with red trim. You WILL have fun!
I guarantee you'll ride yours before I get to ride mine...... You guys down south are downright spoilt....

I hope I get to ride it one of these days. 6" of new snow overnight, plus more during the day, and my snowblower just blew a head gasket. I keep telling myself that shoveling is good exercise

I can hardly wait for spring!