(almost) new Rocket in the Rockies

I had an aftermarket dual horn setup on my old bike (I don't remember the brand but it may have been a Stebel) Sounded like a cross between a 58 Buick and Train Engine!
I remember when I installed them they required a heavy duty power connection direct from the battery to the relay as the current draw was too high for the factory horn wiring (the factory horn wiring was used to fire the relay). Mounting the dual horns was an issue too as they were about 2" thick and much larger diameter.
I agree about the factory horn wiring. It's too skinny to carry much current.

On my 1998 TBS I added a louder horn, and it only worked when the engine was running. After I added a relay with power straight from the battery, it got way louder, regardless of whether the engine was running or not.
Hello and welcome from a wet and windy UK..Like you I was a FSIE DX owner back in 1975 it was yellow Kenny Roberts colours..First bike i rode was my dads old bantam that i dragged out the shed and fixed up aged about thirteen.

Hope the snow soon goes and you can get on your rocket mate..
Hello and welcome from Melbourne, Australia. You will love that bike once the snow melts....
Hello and welcome from Melbourne, Australia. You will love that bike once the snow melts....
Thanks - Melbourne is where I had the best churro I've ever tasted... dipped in different types of chocolate at each end I'm still in touch with people at La Trobe Uni, so maybe I'll get back there one day. Sorry to hear about all the wildfires you've been dealing with along the coast.
Hello "not actually called Bob" aka Christopher, and welcome from Virginia. Cold can be beat but that darn snow does present a problem when simply letting the clutch out causes the tire to spin. Good luck on dry days coming soon.