Air Ram

Art aka IMFASTTOO is on the .com site if you want information you should go there and ask him. He is not allowed to post here.
Got a PM from one of the Owners that was around when IMFAST got booted. Reckons he didn't like car tyres on Rockets (few do ) and threatened a couple of blokes , big f#ckin deal !!! Personally I don't give two****s what he did two years ago in the heat of an argument . Just don't see why he is not allowed on here when the things he's done have been repeated many times by others. Guess I just don't like authority figures truth be known
It's not Carpenter, but someone near there, let me see if I can find the post. And no, no filtration. Found it- Marcelo's auto body, berlin NJ
How you healing up mate ? What plans you got for the bike you were on , is it fixable or what ?

Not having a go at anyone about the IMFAST thing . Just wondered why he seems to have been singled out for behaviour that seems pretty commonplace. Admit I wasn't around and don't know how agro it actually got ... but we're all grown men ( and a couple of women) on here after all.

I am healing and Gracie is gone frame was bent every tine was damaged and even the lower triple tree casting was broken from the impact. Illinois has anti-chop shop law so you cannot buy your wrecks back. but aothe rthen the engine and the wheels most of it was shot. I kept the alligator seat and put the OEM pipes back on her before she went.
As for the IMFASTTOO thing it is not my house I do not make the rules if the owner of the site does not want him here it is his house. This is why I answer more questions on the other sites then I do here. I might have to abide by the rules but I do not have to agree with them. I post here because others that I help have nothing to do with it so they should not suffer.
That is all I have to say about it as you can see from the above post the ignorant are starting up.
Quite honestly I don't see whats wrong with the other site - I use both equally and have found the misuse to be much the same.

I must be missing something.
Quite honestly I don't see whats wrong with the other site - I use both equally and have found the misuse to be much the same.

I must be missing something.

I don't have time for 2 sites and just prefer it here. It's not so much there's something wrong with .com although I have to say, for me, it just don't feel right. That's all.