Aftermarket oil filters.

I have been using a reusable filter for years on my bikes and recently fitted one to my R3 roadster. Billet castings and cleanable inner cartridge. Never need to buy fitters again. Originally designed for aircraft an nascar. Company out of the USA cant fault them.
I do too have one mounted !! the main reason to use a reusable filter is the fact that upon oil change the inner filter gets to be washed in varsol over a fine cloth and CHECKED for metal then if some fine metal particles are found, by running a magnet over you can determine if some preventive maintenance is required ( AKA big big saving) before all goes to pot even with fresh oil . when I flew radial engines airplanes, every 50 hrs we pulled the filters screens and checked the filters that way to ensure long life for the engine, a cheap way to get piece of mind believe me!!! now with a paper filter you throw it away when you change oil but you are none the wiser!!

I have never used a reusable oil filter on any vehicle ,but have cut open a lot of paper oil filters with snips not a saw to reduce confusion with metal shavings ,a reusable filter sounds great, I may look at one for the rocket only,
Since the Triumph filters are readily available at modest cost, why not use the Triumph branded filters?

Especially on a 2015 which is probably still on warranty.
I have never used a reusable oil filter on any vehicle ,but have cut open a lot of paper oil filters with snips not a saw to reduce confusion with metal shavings ,a reusable filter sounds great, I may look at one for the rocket only,

reusable are so easy to open and close.. well worth the $85 last I checked and not messy .. like cutting with snips
I run my bike with a bypass-filter but what is the largest standard filter that would fit? I am thinking, more oil in the system...

I would think the two screens in the bottom of the sump would catch 95% of the metal. Those screens don't let a lot by from my understanding. I've seen the screens in person I can vouch it's not going to let much get through. Whatever got past that would be very hard to determine where it came from is my thinking since the particles would be so small. What would be ideal is a way to clean those screens without removing the sump.

If varsol is not a option what would be used to clean the filter.... gas, purple power?

Been thinking about getting a reusable oil filter but haven't really seen the need to convenience me yet.

Just talking ... not saying you're wrong or anything.
I run my bike with a bypass-filter but what is the largest standard filter that would fit? I am thinking, more oil in the system...

NOOOO! Not more oil.... it take's 6 qts to do a oil change counting a filter change.
Bypassfilter and oilanalysis, I dont change oil