Aftermarket exhaust

It does sound good wish someone could give details on what was done, drill, gut, etc
If it’s a true OBD2, it may have the ability to adjust automatically a little bit?
I'm assuming it will be the same as the 1200 twins, if you start it from stone cold it will run an auto adjust cycle in 20-30 minutes time. After that you can go for a ride with varying revs and speeds and it will be adjusted (as good as it will go within set parameters)
But how are you modifying the tune to cope with the freer breathing pipe? looks great ,BTW!
Competition Werkes makes no mention of fuel management so my guess is like the Can Am Spyder pipes we make the ecu can make the proper adjustments based on the O2 sensor. I'm sure they had to add the O2 port in there pipe just like I plan on doing. We've been selling these pipes along with other pipe manufactures like Two Brothers and Akapovic with no fuel mods and no issues. I'm sure you can get a better tune when we have that option but for now we have to deal with what we have. I plan on having a sniff before and after to make sure I'm not running too lean.
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Ah the old misunderstood and misrepresented 12 minute tune like the old R3s. This really is entirely dependent on whether the O2 sensor is wideband or narrow. Narrow ONLY works at idle. i.e no load. The old R3s were NB, maybe the new are WB?
If NB, yes, you can let it idle and a narrow band will adjust AT IDLE. Won't do jack for anything else especially under load where you need that extra fuel

Personally I'd be real careful modding the exhaust on any 2020 vehicle without a new map or fueling adjustment. New EU5 emission rules mesn she's lean, real lean. That backfiring on throttle close? Thats most likely leaning out causing it, that's not the sound of performance either, unless you have a wild cam overlap on a drag engine.

Old R3 was marginal with the AFR and you could sort of get away with bolting a pipe on and while lean and backfiring you could get by. I reserve judgement with new EU5 engines.

End of the day though if it makes you happy go for it.
I got this info from TEC bike parts. I don't know about you but i do trust them since they been around Triumph for decades. I don't know anything about a "12 minute tune" but 12 minutes is not enough according to George/TEC bikes/Triumph. Also i'd assume the ECU's used on the 1200 thruxton family engines and the R3 are newer/different from the old Rockets.
EDIT: added link to TEC bike parts Youtube vid.
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Backfiring is usually caused by detonation of unburnt fuel. One cause of that would be a rich condition. Best way to tell is on a loaded dyno with a sniffer.