SO as NEV has said in the past are you expecting about a 15 HP improvement using his cams ?
I hav had Street cam,s in my classic before I put race cam,s and pistons in.
The Street cams was giving me 170 Hp at the wheel and Would pull from low and right through mid rang that was with the jardine exhaust.
When I would pulled up to refuel I would put a letter less than 2 of my mates that didn’t have cams and I would flog it as well.
I did like the race cams and pistons but because i do a lot of long distance rides she would chew the juice ( use to much fuel)
I threw the big girl down the road 6 weeks ago after owning her for 13 yers
After hitting a big patch of water and I tell ya that was interesting.
2 week after baught another one.
Got Street cams just waiting for CES exhaust then in the Dino to get turned up.
Sunny you will like the Street cams especially if you do long distances riding and it will be reliable.
I tore the uni joint apart on the way home from a 6000 km ride with the race cams 600 km from home