aftermarket cams.

Very cool.
You know I’m getting a pair of cams out of the same batch you are, right? I still need to get an exhaust system then I’m ready to go...guess I need a gasket set too, what all have you gathered up to get this done? What about cam chains and tensioners and such? I always tried to replace chains and sprockets together because of the wear patterns in the old parts not matching new, wonder if that idea applies here, can anybody offer advice?
It’s good to hear Eric is comfortable with Tuneecu. I asked him about it, all I got was he knew it but he didn’t expand much.

I played with Tuneecu last night, put a new tune on my bike, I will ride tomorrow and see how it runs. The software was pretty straight forward, I thought it was quick to learn the basics and had to resist fiddling with the tune. Point is if I can absorb that much on the first try Eric Colvin ought to be all over it. Do I recall correctly that @Neville Lush will provide us with a tune that is close to start with? If so I’m thinking Eric can dial it in without having to do a lot of shipping back and forth?

Did you ask how long it will take him? You are welcome to bunk here if it works out it would be easier for you. No women around, just me and 2 sons, we can drink and fart and do manly things without anybody to offend.
I’m looking forward to this, however it works out is going to be fun.

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Were to start. Best bet will be call in the morning 918-652-0298. Had a few beers tonight and would rather talk sober. A lot of info to be passed and do not want to screw it up with my buddy Coors. You do realize that tomorrow is going to be even colder than today? Either way give me a call a lot to be discussed
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Yes sir, John Daniels is visiting here tonight as well.

What about cam chains and tensioners and such? I always tried to replace chains and sprockets together because of the wear patterns in the old parts not matching new, wonder if that idea applies here, can anybody offer advice?
Allow me to call @warp9.9 to the thread. He has even made alternative parts in the past.
Allow me to call @warp9.9 to the thread. He has even made alternative parts in the past.
The book does go over the wear to look for on the gears. And shows how to measure the chain stretch. I have been watching mine and have not seen much wear on the gears. I suppose if you tensioner drop gets to much and you start wearing the top of the cam guide you could start seeing some excessive gear wear.
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Thanks guys!
I’m at 6000 miles and can’t imagine having much wear, but I think sonny has more.

If I may ask since I’ve got your attention, do you know if there were problems with camchain blades or tensioners on earlier models? Also, if the cam chain breaks and the engine goes completely out of time could pistons hit open valves at TDC?
Thanks again!
Gents: For those of you choosing the master in the tin shed, please know he is an artisan and has long experience with the cams, and supports folks installing them. Suggest you go with one-on-one discussions with him, and if you get to a stopping place, come back here. He (as well as @warp9.9 ) have minds full of nuances that are not covered in the manual, and one could be led astray by opinions and armchair mechanics.

I changed my cams at 7,000 - could not tell any appreciable wear in guides, and certainly not the chain. I did have trouble finding TDC -- strongly suggest you have available an endoscope to help see and align the marks.

The Master will tell you he doesn't bother with a cam alignment tool because he "knows how the cams should be". I'm not anywhere near that good, and thanks to @warp9.9 was able to borrow one - suspect this same gauge will be available to you two.

Of course, please document your installation as others have - that sharing is a big component of the joy of this family.

Wish you the greatest success, and with it, thousands of grin/miles to come.
Since yours is a touring it is fully updated so the only real problem you might have is a detent spring failing. The guides changed over the years but also ended up looking like the earlier models. Which is still in use today. I haven't hear of many chain or guide failures. But of some of them is probably do to not watching the drop on the tensioner and teeth jumping. Any modded engines well thats a whole different animal and really should not be considered once you changed thing like the style of bucket shimming.
Now personally so you all know my opinion. The man in the tin shead is like E. F. Hutton when he speaks (to include typing) I read several times and commit to memory
Have a gauge that you can borrow Mad dog. When my stuff from Hermy's comes in will take pics with part numbers and post. At 25,000 miles did a valve clearance check. Had a few shims out of tolerance and removed cams to replace shims. Had no problems getting cams back in and aligned properly. Wear on tensioners and cam chain was checked at 40,000 miles when i replaced the clutch. No issues everything in tolerance. Did not order new tensioners or cam chain for this upgrade. Figure it will be OK but if either show signs of wear or getting close to being out of tolerance plan on replacing. New cams are simple drop in installation. Was told by the man in the tin shed if the valve clearance is good with stock cams will be good with the new cams. That was a relief to hear. Not a expert on anything. Kind of a novice mechanic when it comes to turning a wrench. Figure with over 50,000 miles on the Rocket X and still purring must be doing something right. The bike has never seen a shop other than a back tire replacement that was screwed up and have not been back since then.

Paul what is your impression of the tin shed cams performance ?