Gents: For those of you choosing the master in the tin shed, please know he is an artisan and has long experience with the cams, and supports folks installing them. Suggest you go with one-on-one discussions with him, and if you get to a stopping place, come back here. He (as well as
@warp9.9 ) have minds full of nuances that are not covered in the manual, and one could be led astray by opinions and armchair mechanics.
I changed my cams at 7,000 - could not tell any appreciable wear in guides, and certainly not the chain. I did have trouble finding TDC -- strongly suggest you have available an endoscope to help see and align the marks.
The Master will tell you he doesn't bother with a cam alignment tool because he "knows how the cams should be". I'm not anywhere near that good, and thanks to
@warp9.9 was able to borrow one - suspect this same gauge will be available to you two.
Of course, please document your installation as others have - that sharing is a big component of the joy of this family.
Wish you the greatest success, and with it, thousands of grin/miles to come.