After a decade in storage, not getting fuel. Any ideas?

[B]Kevin frazier[/B] is right, the injector nozzles were so gunked up they won't even weep, and I'll call RC Injectors in the morning. Meanwhile I'm letting one injector soak overnight in Gunk-brand carb cleaner to see if it'll soften up enough to squirt. Am I doing something stupid here? I removed the O-rings, but there are still a lot of plastic parts on those nozzles, I'd hate to wake up and find them gone, like the tooth a teacher left in Coca-Cola overnight. I think I was 50 before I learned that "experiment was fraudulent, but that's beside the point; is a night in carb cleaner going to damage those nozzles?
just send to rc injectors and they will take care of them or not but either way same day service. I wouldn’t soak in gum out if it were me, let the pros do it for 100, you may get to squirt or dribble but they will measure flow properly
Fuel injectors gunked up, RC Injectors 100 bucks and same day turn around.
Advice followed, injectors sent to RC Injectors, and yesterday (Friday) I called and the secretary said (if I may paraphrase) Oh yes, those are done, they cleaned out fine, they're ready to ship back as soon as you pay for them.

The 24 hour turnaround (as advertized) was just what I wanted, and she dug down and made it happen.

She hadn't called, as she'd been off work for a bit and had a lot to do on her desk, but now that I was on the phone, she took my debit card info and told me they'd go out Priority Mail that day and I'd see them Tuesday. So I'll probably be running this bike on Tuesday night. Woohoo!
Nice, you got the new pump and filters in right? Mine when they got back I couldn’t tell the difference but 1 was puddling and the other two were lagging but i was running strong, but its good to know what exactly they flow now you will get a report new o rings, they do a fair business i like them. Well enjoy the rocket its gonna make you want to spend money they bad.
Check fuel pump
Check fuel pump
Fuel pump replaced last week. It wasn't working either--fifteen years immersed in stale gasoline will do that. I didn't know the injector nozzles were clogged until I gave it a fresh fuel pump. Plugging away, one surmountable problem at a time. Right now the only thing keeping me from putting the plenum and fuel tank back on is the mysterious Vent Hose To Nowhere I found in there (see other thread, appropriately named <Mysterious air hose under tank> or some such).
Its like @Jag stated in the other thread it plugs into fuel tank for breather