Afraid of the New Bike Electronics?

Old folks and computers go together like peanut butter and hot sauce.

Honestly I'm not worried about the electronics (except the fly by wire), I'd worry more about the ergonomics with my old knees and bad hip. No cruising pegs to move my feet around = not comfortable for long.
The seating position on the GT is different than my 2014. I like pegs closer back so I can press down on my legs to take pressure off of my back and shoulders. I understand some want the pegs out front as far as they can because they are bigger or taller. If I had to ride with my legs out front for any given distance I would be in a world of hurt and probably sleep like a flailing cockroach on my back begging for more Hydrocodone.

Au contraire, Amigo. For most of us, tis not about bigger or taller. Pegs under ass is always the best for handling control.
The problem is that some of us have survived riding motor into old age. We have become somewhat infirmed, which is the price we pay because we have USED our bodies!
I cuss my forward boards every time I hit an unexpected bump. I hate having to give up the use of my legs for shock absorption.

In the end, it's all ok. In between, ****.

While Triumph may not have the reputation of reliability as Toyota I am not afraid of the new stuff and wont be paralyzed by fear. The whole world is full of electronics and everything is not crashing.

Except the kitchen full of high end stainless steel appliances I bought for my kitchen, prices of ****, it's always the electronics, guy told me 3 different boards in my $700 microwave, could be any of them, $1250 for the set, lmao. Every one has issues, nothing mechanical you can fix, appliances used to last 50 years, and they kept your food cold or cooked it. New and improved my ass
Ok, rant over
The electronics are intimidating at first but you can learn them. You ain’t 70 yet are you? After you play with them a bit you settle into your preferred settings and probably won’t fool with every ride. My most commonly used things are the trip metters. It is very convenient that trip oe can reset automatically after a selected time period so every day you ride the meter is already at zero. Trip two I use at every fill up to track mileage and is easy to reset. Most of the rest is bells and whistles.

You is smart enough old man.
My problem - incorporating mission critical components in with non-critical, barely helpful options and the resulting decreased reliability or excessive expense for repair

Perfect example - headlight relays become headlight modules in cars. Incorporation of window motors on can-bus. On the K1300, transponder in key - you lose 3 and you have to replace CPU. Also transponders in keys w/o a remote start.
Everything is new and improved FOR THEM to make more money off of you. Simple eh?
This is one of the few real reasons to be concerned about the new models.