Adjusting the rear brake pedal


Jul 19, 2009
Santa fe, NM
First remove the chrome heel guard.
Remove the clevis clip(3) and remove the pin.
Next loosen the nuts on the pushrod(2) then turn pushrod clockwise, toward bike, to lower pedal
or counter clockwise, away from bike to raise pedal. then tighten the two nuts on pushrod, be careful as the pushrod is attached to the mastercylinder.
This only adjusts the pedal heigth.
Nice NM I wish I new how to add the arrows to many of my pictures but I must be honest computer stuff is not my forte!!!!
I had to adjust mine plus bend the pedal around a bit when I fitted the SuperCharger. This helped as I was able to make it so I did not have to lift my foot off the floor boards to use the brake pedal. This could definetley help others. And if you lower it to far on set ups like mine you will not be able to lock the brake up do to it contacting the floor board. Either way you just might have made the brake more ergonomic for others.
That was the problem with mine.
I actually had to lift my foot off the peg when braking.
MUCH better now.
I hope this helps someone.
good post and pix nm
talk to u at the campfire tommorrow night
I lowered the Brake Lever...Thanks to detailed instructions by NM Rocket...I went and tried emergency braking...Wheel locking is not so bad now... I would say there is 50% improvement from earlier locking....