Adding Cat-delete pipe, Tune Required????

Your exhaust will most likely flow with a little less restriction but whether that translates to actual performance gains depends on the design of the pipe and also the way you ride ie whether you want more at the top end or bottom. @Paul Bryant is better to advise you on that than I am.

As for sound, what’s actually “better”?

In my view, overall, a cleaner flowing pipe will probably give you a small gain in power and be a little louder but I’m also of the opinion that the (almost weird) design of the stock crossover must have some purpose. Triumph has been building bikes for a lot longer than I’ve been riding them.

I've always been pretty happy with the performance of the TORS/K&N Setup, but wouldn't say no to a little extra low end grunt.

As far as sound goes, I'd be happy with a bit of a volume increase over the TORS and a little more or a deep gurgle if that makes sense.

Absolutely love the intake sound coming off the Ramair. It's addictive.
Too much air, not enough fuel. You can go, but boring. Great map
2011 2011 R3R Tors Ramair with more fuel and less timing in cruise, decel pop added

I now have the crossover pipe fitted, have the Tune ECU Cable (Lonelec) and have the android version of Tune ECU on my phone.

I'm looking to try install the tune you quoted as it looks to suit my setup.

I'm just a bit confused reading about "setting TPS at .64v and ISCV at .76v" plus reading stuff about the O2 sensor.

Just wanting to know if I try installing this tune how complicated it's going to be to do the other stuff apart from loading the Map. I don't have a multi-meter or any fancy tools if they're required.
James...When i got my first Rocket, i added Tors, Ramair and just because i knew the tune was lean coming from the factory...(to meet strict emission laws)..i added PCV and got the bike dynoed asap. To me this was the best thing to do and i'm pleased i did.
Turns out the tune that was in the bike was very lean so getting that right not only made the bike run like hot chocolate but made me rest easy knowing my valves were going to be ok. Later on at 16000kms, we did a valve clearance check among other things and the valves were fine. If you are not near a dyno man then tune ecu will be a big help getting things sorted...I have had no experience with tune ecu but there are some very schooled guys on here who will help you i'm sure. You can look forward to a grunty sound with performance to's just as well you have that backrest for mum now!!

Thanks Mate. I got the valve clearances checked at about 20000kms (2000kms ago) and the valves were fine. But previously only had Tors and K&N Filter with the TORS Tune. I don't know of a Dyno near me but I have Triumph Performance Parts about an hour away and they do tunes, custom work and general servicing and parts. If I can't get it all sorted myself with the help of all the pros on here then I'm confident I have experts pretty close by to sort it out. PS the backrest is definitely popular.
Good stuff James....Thats good that mums pleased too!...There aint no shortcuts if you want it going nice...all the best M8.
Hands, wrench set, repair manual all you need
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